heaven on earth


Aug 23, 2008

iPhone XP: Day 2

Posted by bearer.of.light

It's Day 2 of the iPhone experience and I'm still loving my iPhone.

Here's some updates:

1. I've got my screen protector fixed, ie no more ugly dust marks and air bubbles.

2. I'm in the process of sync-ing my contacts and what have you.

3. I'm browsing, installing and trying out apps day and night. Trust me, they have some of the greatest apps (as compared to Symbian, ie Nokia N95) around.

4. The iPhone can surf the web JUST THE WAY YOUR DESKTOP/ NOTEBOOK DOES IT. Super-fast, super clear As compared to the Nokia N95 browser which was slow, didn't work with many sites and the words were as if written for ants. This is probably the greatest feature of the iPhone.

5. No software problems (except the ocassional hiccup with 3rd party home-made applications - not the iPhone's fault).

6. Battery life is one thing to watch.

7. I had to google online (with my iPhone) on details of how to switch my phone to silent mode (yeah, go ahead and laugh at me). Turns out there is a switch at the side of the phone.

8. My iPhone fits into the pouch I was using for my N95!

9. I'm getting used to the on-screen keyboard. It's QWERTY-styled, but those with big fingers (the author included) may need some getting used to. Punching wrong letters/ numbers frequently can be quite irritating. In addition, the "smart text recognition" (or whatever they call it, basically like your dictionary function in other phones) is too "England". I can't use Singlish or event cyber shorthand. Spellcheck makes it look Goo-goo and Gaa-gaa.

10. iPhone's GPS is WAY BETTER than Nokia N95. Even indoors, assisted GPS works like a charm, pinpointing my location very well. Also, Google map is much better than whatever was offered on N95.

I'm "commissioning" my iPhone soon and will send out my new number to my contacts. The number's "nicer" than my old one. Lots of "7" in it - the number of perfection =)