heaven on earth


Feb 16, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Posted by bearer.of.light

image linked from rottentomatoes.com

Somehow after reading The White Tiger (Aravind Adiga), I was quite interested in the "slum" life of India. Slumdog millionaire is a show I've been anticipating, with reviews hitting 97% at rottentomatoes.com.

IMO, the storyline/plot of the movie isn't all that fantastic, but that is made up for by 5 things:

1. Superb directing

2. Superb photography

3. Superb editing

4. Superb sound (bollywood-style)

5. A realistic peek into the lives of everyday Indians

I would encourage everyone to watch it and savour the film for yourself.

I find that I'm beginning to fall in love with slow-paced narratives.