heaven on earth


Sep 2, 2008

Birthday countdown

Posted by bearer.of.light

My birthday's coming up in about 1 month's time and someone just asked me what I wanted for my birthday.

Honestly, I don't know. At the moment, I don't think I lack anything. A car maybe?

When I was young, my dad used to get me gifts that I wanted for my birthday. Usually, it'll be LEGO toys (huge castles, etc.). For the record, I loved LEGO; Birthday present, X'mas present, Exam-reward = Lego (mostly).

I do not say this pridefully, but I've been used to material gifts that they have became mundane, everyday matters. Yet the thing about material gifts is that they'll never be able to satisfy the owner. After having this, you'll want that. After getting that, you'll eye another. We hardly treasure material gifts, even if they cost a bomb at the time we bought it.

Just a while ago, I was looking at what dearest made for me during my birthday last year. It wasn't an expensive gift, nor was it extravagant. Yet what overtook me was warmth and love - something seemingly expensive material gifts cannot bring.

So for everyone who's reading and wondering what they should get me for my birthday, let me help you abit - I just want to spend it with dearest.

There's nothing that I want, nor do you guys have to give me anything.

The greatest gift isn't out there in the world. The greatest gift is always right beside you. Life often takes its toil on us - problems, stresses, frustrations, anxieties, uncertainties. These often cloud the beauty of what we already possess. Nothing is perfect, no-one is perfect. Learning to see good in our loved ones and appreciating them for what they've done; treasuring each and every breath we take; treasuring the gift of time we have with them - is all that matters afterall.